NFA urges faculty to contact Assembly members ahead of key AB224 vote on Wednesday

Assemblywoman Selina Torres

The Assembly Government Affairs Committee at the Nevada State Legislature will take a key vote on AB224, otherwise known as the Collective Bargaining for NSHE Professional Employees Bill, this Wednesday morning, March 29. Meanwhile, Kent Ervin, State President of the Nevada Faculty Alliance, is appealing to all faculty to contact committee members and voice support for the bill.

In a message to the NFA Legislative Action Team, Ervin explained that the Wednesday vote will follow a committee "work session" with no public testimony. He anticipates some clarifying amendments will be introduced during the session, but the bill's primary intent remains the same.

TMCC-NFA encourages its members to contact committee members to voice your support of the bill and urge them to vote in favor.  The most impactful contact is by phone, where office staffers will take your information and position on the bill and pass it on to the lawmakers. Email messages are also welcome. 

When contacting a legislator, be sure to identify yourself by name as a Nevada resident and NFA member. If one of the committee members represents your district, be sure to say so. The main message we want to convey to the lawmakers is NSHE professionals deserve the same collective bargaining rights in statute that other Nevada public employees already have.

A list of committee members with contact information appears below. Please heed this call to action and take a moment to make a phone call or three in support of this important piece of legislation. These grassroots efforts can turn the tide.

Title Name Email Phone
Chair Selena Torres 775-684-8599
Assemblyman Rich DeLong 775-684-8848
Assemblyman Bert Gurr 775-684-8831
Assemblyman Brian Hibbetts 775-684-8853
Assemblyman Gregory Koenig 775-684-8507
Assemblyman Richard McArthur 775-684-8829
Assemblyman Max Carter 775-684-8819
Assemblyman Reuben D'Silva 775-684-8583
Assemblywoman Cecelia González 775-684-8595
Assemblyman Duy Ngyuen 775-684-8537
Assemblywoman Angie Taylor 775-684-8845
Assemblywoman Claire (Clara) Thomas 775-684-8569
Assemblywoman Bea Duran 775-684-8553
