2022-23 TMCC-NFA Progress Report

Chart showing percentage growth of membership

The end of any academic year is a period when higher education professionals are engaged in multiple levels of assessment and evaluation, whether it is assessing student learning outcomes, or submitting their self-evaluations. For TMCC-NFA Local 6766, we have looked back at the goals we established in our first chapter meeting of the academic year to gauge our progress.

  1. Recruitment: TMCC-NFA quickly surpassed its goal of increasing the chapter size by 30%. Membership has grown by 69% since July 1, 2022. Of course, more is better, so please join us if you haven't already.
  2. Expanded Representation on Campus Committees: TMCC-NFA representation is now in place on multiple shared governance committees that deal with collective bargaining issues including the BPLAT taskforce and Planning Council. Additional efforts are underway to increase representation on Faculty Senate and its standing committees in the next academic year.
  3. Contract Awareness on Tenure Committees: This one slipped off the radar, but will be at the top of the list for the 2023-24 academic year.
  4. Bylaws Update: The update is underway with a goal of completion before the end of the academic year. Comments and member input are welcome at the TMCC-NFA website.
  5. Website Update: The website, http://tmcc-nfa.org, has been thoroughly refreshed with a blog page, bulletin archives, and current information.
  6. Member Recognition: The year-end picnic and employee recognition event was a success, laying the foundation for annual events where TMCC-NFA celebrates the accomplishments of its members that otherwise would go unacknowledged by the institution.

2023-24 Proposed Goals

With the new year on the horizon, we plan to maintain the momentum we achieved this year and be well-prepared for the next round of negotiations. Among the goals under consideration:

  1. Chapter Growth: Despite great advancements this year, there is still room to grow. We will target growth of 25% next year.
  2. Contract Awareness for Tenure Committees: Develop a brochure highlighting contract issues that usually confront new academic faculty members and the professors who advise them.
  3. Collective Bargaining Preparation: Identify and train individuals for the next round of negotiations. Enter the session with fully vetted proposals on issues like compensation, chair workload, administrative faculty evaluations and appeals, etc. 
The official annual goals will be adopted at the first chapter meeting of the 2023-24 academic year. Members are welcome to offer their suggestions by contacting any TMCC-NFA officer.
